
We evangelize the culture,
the family and the youth.

We are

We evangelize
the culture, the family and the youth.

We are

1962 - 2022

"It is impossible for us not to speak about what we have seen and heard"

The Catholic culture
in different cultures

Our apostolic work is present in America, Europe and Africa. Fasta has Jurisdictions, Foundational Communities and Prayer Groups in more than 30 cities around the world.


16 Communities

23 Schools

2 Schools for Special Education

3 Higher Education Centers

1 University


1 Community


1 Community


2 Communities


1 Community


1 Community


3 Communities

1 School

1 Higher Education Center


8 Communities

1 School


1 Community

Community Life

Lays, consecrated women and priests share Fasta’s charism and the mission to serve the Church in the evangelization of the family, the culture and the youth. They live in community and support each other in their apostolic works.


Se presentó el informe diagnóstico, las comunidades están culminando la redacción de su misión, visión y consigna.
La Organización de Juventudes de Argentina realiza las tradicionales copas y los fasteanos de valencia se encuentran de campamento.
Fue predicado por el Abad Edmundo Gomez OSB y profundizaron sobre la oración.
El Consejo Sapiencial es un ámbito de asesoramiento al Consejo Plenario, a la Presidencia y a las áreas que integran el Directorio de Fasta.

We build the City of God in the city of men with Christ in our hearts.

Educational Works

Our educational institutions are the result of our apostolic work, and in them we provide a comprehensive formation based on the Good and the Truth.

Intellectual Apostolate

Founder's Magisterium

Vocation and Mystery. Memoirs, Testimonies and Views and Letters from Rome

In this book, his latest book, Fray. Dr. Aníbal E. Fosbery gathered his dreams, his plans, the execution of his plans, his objectives, the crosses he had to carry, the temporary achievements he had to bear as stages prior to the final achievement reached with what his disciples – the members of the Fraternity of St. Thomas Aquinas Groupings – call “the Founder’s Easter”.

Witnesses and Teachers


He was a German Catholic priest, thinker, writer and academic. He is considered to be one of the most accredited theologians of the twentieth century.

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a personalized communication experience

We share the same values with these institutions