
Fasta Movement...

… is the heart of the Militant City and fosters the encounter of its members with Christ by building God’s invisible presence in their hearts, with a hopeful love for God, the Church and the Homeland.

It’s made up of communities of faith, formation and apostolate that, through their activities, share their main values: fervor, friendship and the joy of spreading the Gospel.

The laity are divided, according to their age, into the Adult Dimension and the Youth Dimension.

Youth Dimension

Youth Centers (Ruca)

From the age of 8 to 24, Fasta’s young gather in rucas, which means “house” in Araucanian, in reference to a space of shared life and friendship.

Group of University-aged Youth (Militants)

Youth that share activities focused primarily on intellectual work, the discovery of their personal vocation and the acceptance of adult responsibilities.

Civitas Program

A program that promotes Fasta’s youth apostolic action for the development of their personal vocation by channeling their involvement in the differents areas of evangelization.

Other realities related to the educational works:

Student Council

An organization of secondary school students that work on their formation, participation, action and identification with values, ideals and an educational style.

Pastoral Care for Students

It’s the actual implementation of the students’ spiritual, sacramental and doctrinal formation. Each school teaches the Christian initiation catechism following the pastoral guidelines provided by each diocese.


It’s an invitation to youth to live their faith in community and to keep spreading the Gospel to other people in this specific moment of their lives.

Adult Dimension


Faith communities that gather the adults in Fasta and where they grow in charity, cultivate their spiritual life, study the Catholic doctrine and experience the mystery of God.

Apostolic Communities

Made up of members of Fasta gather according to their commitment, vocation and formation. They carry out an apostolic mission within the movement or for others works of the Church.

Parents Groups (PG)

Made up of parents of the youth that participate in the Youth Centers They help with the activities and provide their services, as they accompany their children along their faith path.

Other realities related to the educational works:


It brings school parents together to live in communion with each other and to take on the responsibility of being of service to others.

Pastoral Care for Grandparents

It fosters the involvement of grandparents, as they are a main reference for students in their faith path.

Pastoral Care for Teachers

It involves formal, informal and friendship-building activities aimed at aiding teachers in their evangelizing mission.

Meet our

Movement News

La ponencia llevó el título de “La contemplación: un camino cotidiano de santificación para Tomás”.
Con enorme alegría recibieron al Padre Sebastián Vallejo, para predicar el retiro de preparación para Semana Santa.
La comunidad recibió al nuevo capellán que los estará acompañando durante todo el 2024.